Unmatched Efficiency,
Unrivaled Illumination.
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Lighting is an easily overlooked aspect of sporting events, yet light quality can make or break the experience for fans and athletes alike.
Inadequate, low-quality event lighting jeopardizes player safety, lowers the overall performance of athletes, damages the venue’s brand, holds back energy efficiency, and inflates the venue’s overhead.
Surprisingly, high-quality, efficient stadium lighting is a relatively new development in the industry. Up until around 2013, metal halide and high-pressure sodium lighting solutions were the status quo, dominating sports stadiums of all sizes.
With the rise in LED’s popularity and cost-effectiveness, sports stadiums are keen on exploring new options to enhance their venue experience, from comprehensive retrofits to new developments.
In addition to the cost-savings, sustainability, and long-term benefits for facility operators, perfect lighting at sports events also delivers enormous value to fans, through:
Shifting to the athlete’s perspective, lighting plays a vital role in their performance in addition to their safety. The margin of error in high-level athletics is razor-thin, raising the importance of every moment and movement.
Poor stadium lighting can significantly hamper athletic performance due to low visibility, flickering, shadow casting, and improper color temperatures. Athletes spend their lives training for big games and crucial moments, so it becomes imperative for stadiums to provide impeccable conditions to bring out their best performances.
On the other side of the same coin, the characteristics of poor lighting and visibility increase the chance of avoidable injuries. It doesn’t take much for unseen obstacles or hazards to cause catastrophic slips and falls.
So, now that we better understand the benefits of superior sports stadium lighting let’s look at what it takes to upgrade and maintain these new systems.
As a general rule, retrofitting a stadium lighting system costs less than a complete replacement, but costs still largely depend on the types of events hosted by the venue and their lighting requirements. The up-front costs of a replacement project may be higher than those of a retrofit, but retrofits tend to come with ancillary costs that arise down the road.
When considering the potential costs of a stadium lighting project, assess factors like competition level, desired brightness, stadium size, quality of fixtures, and the project’s overall scope.
It’s also important to understand that a lighting system is only as good as its routine maintenance plan. An effective maintenance plan should include regular inspections, cleaning, repairs, and replacements of worn or broken components.
To find the exact cost for your facility, click here!
Understand how AEON LED Luminaires will enhance your venues by previewing their illumination impact. Visualize the light distribution and intensity across your intended space facilitated by AEON fixtures. Choose from a variety of lumen packages to find the ideal fit for your venue.
Our designs align with IESNA Standards, ensuring you can trust AEON to deliver industry-recognized benchmarks for your specific lighting needs, such as foot-candle levels and uniformity ratios. Higher light levels enhance safety for players, workers, and spectators. With AEON LED, you can be confident in getting precise, glare-free lighting with no spillage or sky glow, making it neighborhood-friendly.
Whether starting from scratch or upgrading an existing facility, AEON LED is your route to a state-of-the-art lighting system.
Contact AEON to learn more about how AEON can provide safe, efficient, and cost-effective lighting solutions for your sports and entertainment venue.
If you’re looking for a lighting layout for a floodlight application, reach out to our team!
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