What is HyLink?
HyLink is a Wireless Lighting Control Solution that enables considerable Energy Savings and Lowers Operating Costs by Automating, Customizing and Controlling the Behavior of Lights. Built for Easy Installation and Use, HyLink Doesn’t require Internet Access and can Scale to Hundreds of Lights, all Controlled by a Single Site Controller. HyLink is powered by an Encrypted, Self-Forming, Self-Healing, SNAP Mesh Network and provides a Reliable and Secure Foundation for your Lighting Network.
HyLink makes Commissioning easy with various provisioning options. In addition to Manual Entry and CSV Upload, the HyLink Mobile Commissioning Application and Auto-Discovery of Unconfigured Lights makes Commissioning very Easy and Intuitive to use. Day-to-day Operation is also a breeze thanks to a Browser-Based User Interface that’s accessed through a Mobile-Friendly WiFi Interface. Easy access from a Laptop, Tablet or a Smartphone means your System can be Controlled or Reconfigured whenever needed. With the optional HyLink Remote Access service, your Lighting Network can also be Managed Remotely from anywhere you have an Internet Connection.
The system stores Power Data, Alarms, and Critical Events Locally for Maintenance and Troubleshooting and provides California Title 24 Compliant Daily Schedules. Occupancy and Ambient Light Sensor Integration allows Full Lighting Network Customization under a Variety of Situations and Applications with Programmable Schedules and Easy Setup, HyLink is the Perfect Solution for Lighting Control...Simply Configure it and Let it Run.
- Works both Indoors and Outdoors - No Need for Separate Control Systems.
- Design your System with a Full Range of Product Offerings. Specify a Simple Solution or a Fully Integrated Lighting Management System.
- Combine Individual Luminaire Control & Area Control. HyLink Wireless Lighting Control System allows for Limitless Flexibility and Customization.
- No Special Server Required - Forget Expensive, Complex Hardware.
- Mobile Application based Commissioning and Control.
- Site Based Control. Functions with and without an active Internet Connection.
- Flexible Control Solutions - Control Individual Luminaire or groups of Luminaires, anywhere from ON/OFF Control, 0-10V Dimming or any Combination to a Wireless, Fully Scheduled System based on Automated Schedules or Events.
- Multiple Methods of Control - You can control HyLink from your Laptop, Tablet or a Smartphone
- Maximize Performance: Manage your System from any Device
Easy Setup
- Easy and Painless Commissioning - On-site or Remotely with Automatic
- Detection of Uncommisioned Controllers. Setup is a Breeze.
- Secure Connection to Site Controller via Wi-Fi and/or LAN
- Robust Wireless Mesh Technology - HyLink continually Monitors the Wireless Network and generates Alerts on any Issues found
- Easy Customization - Quickly Set-up Energy-Saving Behaviors Specific to Your Needs
- Multiple Zones, Behaviors, and Events
- Graphing of Power Consumption and Voltage
- Data and Events stored on Local Site Controller
- Simple Integration - Connect Hylink with other Building Systems
- Add New Controls or Upgrade Software without Replacing the Existing System
- Future-proof your Investment, keeping it Updated with the latest Features
- Wireless makes Installation Faster. Drastically reduce Labor and Risk for Every Project.
- HyLink’s Reliability reduces time spent on the job and helps stay within Budget
- Wireless Simplifies Installation and Reduces or Eliminates Callbacks
- The HyLink Mesh Network eliminates Single Points of Communication Failure
- Vast Coverage - Up to a Mile Separation between Controllers*
- *(depends on the environment)
- Wirelessly Upgradeable or via USB Flash Drive
- Automatic Software Upgrades via Encrypted Over-the-Air Communications.

HyLink Lighting Control System
Adapts to Your Needs and Maximizes Energy Savings
Limitless Flexibility and Customization
Control from your Laptop, Tablet or a Smartphone
Are you interested in purchasing products or speaking with a true lighting expert? Please fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly!
International Headquarters