Unmatched Efficiency,
Unrivaled Illumination.
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Creating the perfect gymnasium means paying attention to the fine details. If you want to create a warm, welcoming, safe environment, you need a warm, bright, efficient gymnasium lighting. This means using AEON LED Luminaires to meet your gymnasium lighting needs. You’ll increase lighting efficiency, decrease your electricity bill, reduce maintenance cost and frequency, and raise morale at sporting events. Let us help you make the right choice in LED gym lighting.
AEON LED Luminaires are retrofit to fit into your existing gymnasium lighting fixtures. That means you can drastically improve your lighting system without the cost of a large-scale overhaul. They’re guaranteed to meet your needs.
When it comes to natural lighting, nothing mimics the natural spectrum of the sun, like LED lighting. AEON LED Luminaires have a color rendering index (CRI) of greater than 85. This means that the luminaires’ pure, vivid, natural light shows colors perfectly and eliminates shadows. With the dark spots and uncomfortable glare gone, fans can enjoy the exciting product on the court that they came to see.
No matter what sport is being played in your gymnasium, damage to light fixtures is always a possibility. That’s why AEON LED Luminaires are designed to prevent mechanical wear and tear. Their durable, lightweight, yet heavy-duty die-cast design prevents damage from various kinds of impact. The compact luminaire has no exposed electronics or wiring to avoid the effects of affecting light quality.
If you could make an investment that would pay for itself in months and continue to pay dividends for years, would you hesitate? We already know how simple it is to retrofit into LED gym lighting, now consider that AEON LED Luminaires will save up to 85% in energy use when compared to traditional lighting systems. Those same luminaires also last 4x longer than lesser systems.
You’re saving money directly on your energy bill. You’re saving on maintenance by sending a maintenance crew up to a hard to reach, top-of-the-gymnasium fixture far less frequently. You’re saving on bulb replacements. You’re never using a ballast. You’re experiencing those cumulative benefits every month for as long as your gymnasium is in operation, and you’re saving an incredible amount.
Better illumination means a better shot at keeping players and gym-goers injury-free and your spectators out of danger. Lesser lighting systems can cause an uncomfortable glare and lead to visual fatigue. When this happens, it’s easy for a player to perform poorly or even twist an ankle. Inadequate lighting can also cause a spectator to misstep and fall on a bleacher or trip on the steps. Using proper LED lighting with focused beam spreads and a high CRI guarantees optimal visual comfort and prevents shadows and blind spots. A UGR rating of less than 19 means that AEON LED Luminaires will reduce overall glare and keep your athletes comfortable all game long.
For a gym with low ceilings, low bay fixtures are adequate. Generally, a gymnasium ceiling is at least 20 feet high. This means that specific fixtures are needed to optimize lighting depending on height. AEON LED High Bay Luminaires will do the best job of lighting up a gymnasium with a high ceiling. They do an excellent job of illuminating any high ceiling indoor commercial gym.
The type of ceiling plays a role in proper lighting as well. Plasterboard ceilings are ideal and allow for flexibility when it comes to choosing the right LED light fixture. T-bar and concrete ceilings can host a smaller number of LED fixtures, but there are still plenty of options available.
Even the color of your ceilings plays a role in how light is reflected. Dark-colored walls and ceilings are poor reflectors of light. Light colors are excellent at reflecting light and make it easier to illuminate a gymnasium with less lumen output.
If your gymnasium is operational or lit-up around the clock, that’s an even better reason to invest in AEON LED Luminaires. The long hours mean that you need lights that require little maintenance and last an extended period. A wireless control system can help by creating a fully scheduled system to monitor and adjust lighting controls from any device. As a result, you’ll reduce energy costs even farther. That’s just one more reason to make the switch to AEON LED Luminaires starting now.
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