AEON LED Luminaires are Designed, Engineered & Assembled in the USA. They offer the most Powerful, Rugged & Efficient Lighting options in the Industry. You can build a State-of-the-Art Lighting System from the Ground-Up or bring your Current Lighting System into the future. AEON’s Patented Design has a Glare-Free Illumination of UGR <19 and eliminates visual discomfort of traditional lighting. AEON LED Luminaires are Neighborhood-Friendly with Zero Spillage or Sky Glow.
AEON Luminaires also have a CRI >85 that shows colors how they were meant to be seen and are ideal for 4K, HDTV Broadcasting, Digital Photography and Flicker-free Slow-Motion Recording for Optimal Television and Live Audience Viewing. AEON LED Luminaires are built to suit a Variety of Indoor and Outdoor Applications with 95%+ total efficiency. Better Light, Fewer Luminaires.

AEON has Additional Capabilities and Services beyond offering the Luminaire. Below, you will see the added value you could receive by choosing AEON:
Controlled Lighting with HyLink & RGBA/RGBW Capabilities:
Automating, Customizing and Controlling the Behavior of Lights Lowers Operating Costs and Provides Even Greater Energy Savings! Control the lights from your Laptop, Tablet, or Smartphone with an Encrypted, Self-Forming, Self-Healing, SNAP Mesh Network.
AEON Luminaires offer Full-Spectrum Color Lighting Solutions can be controlled by DMX protocol. AEON can provide LED Luminaires that have full RGBA or RGBW capabilities to help bring Color, Dynamic Scenes, and Excitement to your Venue or Facility. The possibilities are endless!
Remote Drivers Capability:
AEON LED Sports Luminaires have Remote Driver Capabilities, allowing quick and easy access to the core component of the AEON Luminaires if necessary. The Advanced Functionality and Quick Connect System makes AEON LED User and Cost Friendly with our Remote Drivers Capability.Build the complete Package with Pole Capabilities (Turnkey Solutions):
AEON has Turnkey Solutions for the Complete Lighting Package with a variety of Poles, Cross-Arms & Platforms. If you are considering new construction or even just upgrading old existing lighting, AEON can provide you with a fully Customized Lighting Solution for your application.
Build a State-of-the-Art Lighting System from the Ground-Up or Update your Current Lighting System for the Future. AEON LED can be your one stop shop for your Flood and Sports lighting needs. Whether you need a new system or replacing Cross-Arms & Platforms with the AEON LED Luminaire, AEON is the choice to help get you the Lighting System that will suit your needs.
Protect your Lighting System with Extended Warranty:
AEON offers Extended Warranty options that can help protect your investment and offer Peace-of-Mind in case of an unforeseen incident or natural disaster. Ask us about our extended warranty options to help protect your AEON Lighting System, now and well into the future.

Upgrade to LED with Project Financing:
Need to upgrade your Lighting System but can’t fit it into the budget? Ask us about our Financing Options. With Project Financing, custom terms are determined that are designed specifically for you to get the AEON Project you need, with the flexible payment options you desire.
AEON has Additional Capabilities and Services
Beyond offering the Luminaire!
Are you interested in purchasing products or speaking with a true lighting expert? Please fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly!
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